Authors Glezman L.. candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,
Fedoseeva S.. junior researcher,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.341.1:332.142.6:332.146.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-96-107
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the research is conditioned by the necessity to strengthen the control over the state of ecological space of regions, which is caused by the significant growth of the load on the environment of the regions, the priority of which is industrial growth within the framework of following the state policy of import substitution in the conditions of strict sanctions restrictions of the Western countries. In this connection the task of formation of ecological profile of the region and analysis of interrelation between the growth of industrial production and environmental load of the region is of particular urgency and practical importance. To solve this problem, in this article the author investigates the processes of the regional spatial and sectoral structure development in terms of correlation between the dynamics of industrial production and the changes of the regional ecological profile (using the example of the Perm Region), in order to identify and assess the relationship between the dynamics of industrial production and the changes in the ecological profile of the region. The subject of the study is the relationship between the dynamics of industrial production and changes in the ecological profile of the region. The goal of the study is to establish and assess the relationship between the dynamics of industrial production and changes in the ecological profile of the region. The ecological profile of the region in the framework of this study is understood as a system of indicators, which characterize the ecological situation on the territory of the region and make it possible to assess the ecological burden on the environment of the region. The formation of the system of indicators, constituting the ecological profile of the region, will allow to carry out an objective analysis of the technogenic load on the ecological system of the region. Thus, the formation of the system of indicators seems to be the primary task in achieving the goal of the study. Research objectives are the following: - to perform a theoretical review of scientific research in the field of analysis and assessment of the environment state and environmental safety of industrial regions; - to consider the existing methodological approaches to the assessment of the environmental component of the territories’ development and ratings of the regions’ environment state; - to form a system of indicators revealing the ecological profile of the region (on the example of the Perm Region); - to develop a methodology for assessing the dynamics of the region\'s environmental profile; - to identify and assess the relationship between the dynamics of industrial production and the ecological profile of the region. The following research methods have become the basis of the study: analysis, synthesis, synthesis, grouping, systematization and classification. To solve individual problems, methods of comparative and statistical analysis, tabular and graphical representation of data, organizational and economic modeling, integral and correlation analysis have been used. The materials of the study are the scientific works of leading Russian academic economists dealing with the problems of the impact of intensification of territorial development, including industrial complex on the environment of the regions, as well as the official statistical data of state statistics agencies and the results of studies of various rating agencies. In the article an author\'s definition of the concept of \"ecological profile of the region\" and a system of indicators is offered, which disclose its content and make it possible to conduct an objective analysis of the technogenic burden on the environment of the region. To establish and assess the relationship between the dynamics of industrial production and changes in the ecological profile of the region the authors have developed an author\'s methodology of the ecological profile state estimation which includes calculation of integral indices of positive and negative impact on the environment and evaluation of dependence of the calculated indices on the index of regional industrial production by correlation method. The proposed methodological approach has been approbated using the Perm Territory as an example and as a result direct correlation between intensification of industrial production and growth of environmental load expressed in deterioration of the region\'s ecological profile has been revealed. The results obtained confirm the determining role of industrial production in the ecological profile of the Perm Territory and the need to intensify the processes of ecologization of production in view of increasing pressure on the environment
Key words Key words: region, industrial production, regional development, import substitution, ecological profile of the region, environment, integral indices, correlation dependence, coefficient of variation, index of industrial production
Article information Glezman L., Fedoseeva S. Assessment of the relationship of industrial production and the environmental profile of the region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 96-107.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-96-107
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