Authors Efimova Y.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.765:620:669
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-35-49
Article type
Annotation The chemical, mineralogical and phase composition of clinker from zinc cakes is analyzed. An analysis of the properties of the main components of the Waelz-clinker is carried out. It has been established that the mass fraction of copper in it is comparable to its mass fraction in sulfide ores, in connection with this, clinker is considered as a raw iron-containing, copper-containing, zinc-containing and carbon-containing material. The existing methods of clinker enrichment are analyzed. The features of the textural and structural composition of the old clinker of the Chelyabinsk zinc plant are investigated and the use of mechanical and physico-chemical separation methods for different phases of the clinker is substantiated. To study the material composition of clinker, a complex of mineralogy and analytical methods is used, including optical microscopy, electron microscopy and X-ray spectral analysis. As a result of studying the phase and mineralogical compositions of clinker, it has been found that some of the iron-containing phases, the atomic composition of which is close to the composition of pyrite-pyrrhotite type minerals, is represented by troilite. The possibility of troilite formation in the Waelz process is substantiated. Electron microscopic analysis confirmed that the copper-rich phases identified during the mapping of the surface of the thin section at high magnification consist of copper sulfides dispersed in the spinel or mellilite matrix with a size of less than 15 μm. The composition of the relatively rich zinc-containing phases is predominantly represented by ferruginous sphalerite (marmatite) and zinc ferrite. The results of a comprehensive study of the structural and phase characteristics of clinker showed the need to include gravity separation in the plan of research on the washability of gravitational separation in order to more fully release iron into concentrate and flotation of finely divided clinker in order to increase the recovery of copper and zinc-containing phases
Key words Key words: Waelz clinker, Waelz process, structural analysis, mineralogical composition, phase composition, optical microscopy, electron microscopy, X-ray spectral microanalysis, troilite, pyrrite, sphalerite, spinel structure
Article information Orekhova N., Glagoleva I., Efimova Yu., Gorlova О. Study of mineralogical and textural-structural features of old weltz-clinker // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 35-49
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