Article name Semi-industrial tests of the use of oxidants in the downhole leaching of hydrogenic ores of the deposits of the Khiagdinsky ore field
Authors Mikhailov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.775
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-28-34
Article type
Annotation When extracting natural uranium from hydrogenic deposits, one of the problems of development efficiency is the low rate of conversion of a useful component into a productive solution during underground well leaching, which significantly lengthens the life of the field and increases the total cost of obtaining finished products [1; 2]. The object of the research is technological installations for in-situ borehole leaching of hydrogenous ores. The purpose of the research is to consolidate the knowledge obtained in laboratory studies under industrial operating conditions and to develop modes of application of this technology in the development of reserves of hydrogenous ores of Khiagda type. Research objective is to establish the most effective modes of hydrogen peroxide application as an oxidizer. Research methodology is presented by the collection of accumulated information, its mathematical and statistical processing, and development of regulations of the leaching process with hydrogen peroxide; conducting research work and establishing the relationship between the mining, geological, hydrogeological and technological Research methods: mathematical and statistical analysis, semi-industrial tests. The reasons for the low intensity of leaching are both complex mining, geological and hydrogeological conditions for the localization of hydrogenic ores and low groundwater temperature. One of the effective technological techniques for increasing leaching efficiency is the use of chemical activators of the uranium extraction process from ore minerals [10‒14]. Laboratory studies [7] of the use of chemical oxidizers in the ores of the Khiagdinsky ore field deposits have shown that hydrogen peroxide is the most effective activator of leaching. To verify the results of laboratory tests in situ at one of the ore deposits of the Khiagdinskoye deposit, pilot tests of the results of these studies were carried out. As a result of the work performed, it has become possible to establish the optimal modes of sulfuric acid leaching of chiagdin ores using hydrogen peroxide as an activator.
Key words Keywords: underground well leaching, technological well, filtration coefficient, oxidizer, leaching solution, productive solution, sulfuric acid concentration, uranium concentration, F/T ratio, redox potential, hydrogen peroxide, sodium nitrite
Article information Ovseychuk V., . Mikhailov A. Semi-industrial tests of the use of oxidants in the downhole leaching of hydrogenic ores of the deposits of the Khiagdinsky ore field // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 4, pp. 28-34.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-4-28-34
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Full articleSemi-industrial tests of the use of oxidants in the downhole leaching of hydrogenic ores of the deposits of the Khiagdinsky ore field