Annotation |
The article is devoted to identifying patterns of transformation of interaction between the state and confessions in pre-Soviet Russia. The object of the research is the state approach to state-confessional relations. The subject of the research is the influence of liberalism\'s ideas on religious reform in Russia and the Soviet Union. The purpose of the research is to examine the conceptual and practical aspects of religious reform in Russia and the Soviet Union.
The authors have revealed that the interaction between state and confessional spheres during this period has developed according to the direction of reformatory activity of rulers, who sought to bring the religious sphere under a single principle, embodied in the formation of the church concept of power. The novelty of the research is associated with the justification of the existence of two trends influencing the confessional policy of the state, one of which is associated with the desire to achieve a greater degree of religious freedom. The other is related to the desire to preserve order, which is realized in a number of restrictive measures in relation to other religions and protectionist measures in relation to Orthodoxy. The article proves that in the early twentieth century these processes are significantly transformed, being influenced by the reforms, the implementation of which eventually led to the beginning of the era of liberalization, which legislated the norms of natural law and constitutional order
Key words |
Keywords: State-confessional interaction, church concept of power, pre-Soviet Russia, confessional reforms, Orthodoxy, liberalization, , laws, confessional policy, religious freedom, restrictive measures |
References |
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