Authors Tomskikh A.A. doctor of geographical sciences, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 913
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-28-35
Article type
Annotation \"Mountains and man\" form an important global geo-economic system, on which the sustainable development of the entire world civilization depends and it brings the problem into the category of extremely urgent. Scientific and management events devoted to various issues of the state and development of mountain territories began to be held in Russia since the 1990s: the issue \"Rational use of vulnerable ecosystems: sustainable mountain development\"was discussed at the UN Conference on Environment and Development of Agenda for the XXI century. A significant reserve in this regard has been formed since that time in our country, in a region where mountains occupy about half of the territory. The object of the research are mountainous areas. The subject of the research are principles of nature management organization in mountains. The purpose of the research is to reveal specificity of nature management in the mountain countries for development of systems of nature management. In mountain areas, along with fundamental scientific research, the results of the work are being implemented into practice and management with varying success. The article indicates the need for further increasing scientific research on the problems of sustainable development of mountain territories and their special type of natural and economic environment-intermountain basins. This requires long-term and multifactorial research; scientists should be ready to cooperate in interdisciplinary questions; managers of different levels should be able to rationally apply scientific results. As applied aspects, the paper considers approaches to nature management on the example of Altai, Transbaikalia and the Caucasus. The experience of similar studies of mountain countries in Europe and the CIS is considered. Here the mountains occupy a significant territory and the problems of the relationship between man and the environment are connected with them. The task is to continue the research of the natural and economic specifics of the depressions of the region in the experience of the basin concept in nature management, their zoning, structural and functional modeling.
Key words Key words: sustainable development; mountain territories; mountain nature management; regional development strategy; intermountain basins, intermountain basins, mountain countries, practice, management, environment, modeling
Article information Tomskikh А. On the issue of nature management in mountain countries (global and regional aspect) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 28-35.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-28-35
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