Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.17, 550.84, 632.15
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-21-27
Article type
Annotation Models and methods of geochemical testing and evaluation of the influence of rock dumps on environmental factors are considered. The object of testing are samples of ores and rocks in the tailings dump formed during the extraction of porphyry-copper ores by an open method. The purpose of testing is to assess the risk of rock dumps’ interaction with environmental factors, to determine the content of harmful substances in dust, as well as the formation of drainage of acidic rocks and leached metals. The task of testing is to analyze the average content of sulfur and sulfur sulfide in dump rocks and ores, to analyze the acid-neutralizing potential in these rocks and the potential for acid neutralization, as well as to assess the risk of rock dumps’ interaction with environmental factors. Based on the acid base accounting indicators, characterizing the amount of acid-producing (sulfides) and acid-neutralizing (carbonates) minerals, as well as their ratios, an accelerated predictive assessment of the risk of acid drainage and mine water formation has been performed. With the help of geochemical testing of rock samples and dumps, the contents of sulfur, sulfur sulfide, acid-neutralizing potential and acid neutralization potential are determined. With the help of geochemical testing of rocks and ores, the impact of rock dumps on the external environment has been assessed, the content of harmful substances in dust and the influence of porphyry-copper ores on the formation of acidic drainage rocks and leached metals are determined. The data obtained made it possible to determine the level of saturation of watercourses with acidic products harmful to environmental factors. Based on the results of geochemical tests, options for the location of rock dumps and the construction of mining and processing industries during the development of the deposit are proposed
Key words Key words: tailings storage, geochemical testing, rock dumps, environmental factors, toxic trace elements, leaching, rock, ore, sulfur, drainage of acidic rock
Article information Pshenichny I. Models and methods of geochemical assessment of the risk of interaction of rock dumps with environmental factors // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 21-27.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2022-28-3-21-27.
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