Article name To the problem of the development of the Udokan copper deposit (Transbaikalia).
Bibliographic description
Category There is an opinion...
DOI 622.221:622.012.3(571.55
Article type
Annotation The main provisions of the project for the development of the Udokan copper ore deposit, which it was decided to carry out by open-pit (82 %) and underground (18 %) methods, are considered. 5 open-pit mines are planned, 2 of them are large - Naminginsky and Zapadny, which account for 93 % of ore reserves, 3 other open-pit mines are small. It is shown that such a large-scale project of open pit mining in difficult mountain climatic conditions is fraught with unpredictable and catastrophic consequences. Unfavorable conditions: alpine dissected relief (relative elevation difference of 300-600 m.), High seismicity (up to 10 points and higher on a 12 point scale), the presence of permafrost, rockfalls, snow avalanches, mudflow hazard, the location of mining objects in conditions of steep slopes ( up to 450), difficulty in airing open pits. It is argued that another project for the development of the deposit, which was not accepted, with the leading role of underground operations, would be more reliable and less costly, but with a smaller volume of ore mined. Examples of large-scale works already carried out in this area and their sad consequences are given. It is explained that the development of the Trans-Baikal north should have started with the complex (Cu, Fe, Ti, V, noble metals) Chineiskiy deposit, which is more favorable.
Key words Key words: northern Transbaikalia, Udokan copper ore deposit, open pit mining, design, development system, seismicity, avalanche hazard, permafrost, Chineyskoe deposit
Article information Salikhov V. To the problem of the development of the Udokan copper deposit (Transbaikalia) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2022, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 145-149.
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Full articleTo the problem of the development of the Udokan copper deposit (Transbaikalia).