Article name Factors of creating the investment image of Primorsky Kray within Russia\'s “Turn to the East” policy
Authors Davyborets E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.51
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-8-74-85
Article type
Annotation With Russia “turning to the East”, the issue of cooperation between Russian Far Eastern territories and the countries of the Asia-Pacific Region have gained special importance. For successful cooperation, it is necessary to form an effective image that will attract partners, tourists, and investors, whose funding is a necessary condition for successful development of the economy and the region as a whole. The authors have examined the investment image of Primorsky Kray at the present stage: the problems the territory faces, its strengths, the direction it should be developed in the future. Nine objective factors of the investment potential of the region essential for the investment image are identified and analyzed. The investment policy of the authorities in Primorsky Kray and the activities of development institutions are investigated: regulatory and legal framework, ongoing activities, services provided to potential investors, etc. The image policy of the authorities of Primorsky Kray is also analyzed
Key words Key words: investment potential; investment image factors; Primorsky Kray; Far East; cooperation; investors; tourists; regional economy; authorities; regulatory framework
Article information Davyborets Е., Golovacheva L., Madyanova A. Factors of creating the investment image of Primorsky Kray within Russia\'s “Turn to the East” policy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 8. с. 74-85.DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-8-74-85.
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Full articleFactors of creating the investment image of Primorsky Kray within Russia\'s “Turn to the East” policy