Authors Goncharov D.. candidate of technical sciences, leading geologist,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.271.1: 622.277
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-10-6-14
Article type
Annotation Recently, due to the clearly expressed tendency to involve poor ores with a low content of a valuable component in the exploitation, heap leaching technology has been increasingly used. As a rule, it is sold on small reserves and sizes of ore deposits. For example, in the Transbaikal Territory, the number of developed gold–bearing deposits and potentially suitable for the development by heap leaching technology of a valuable component today is about 31. Moreover, deposits, as a rule, are located on the territory represented by frozen and permafrost soils. They are characterized by harsh climatic conditions and low-snow winters. One of the promising areas of the research is the method of block modeling, which, with the development of information technology, acquires special significance and is aimed at solving the urgent problem of three-dimensional modeling. Its main advantage is that it allows you to quantify the spatial distribution of factors, as well as the dynamics of their changes over time. The object of research is an ore stack of a technogenic deposit. The subject of the study is mathematical modeling of gold heap leaching. The purpose of the study is to develop a method for block modeling of gold heap leaching in an ore stack and a methodology for its implementation. The research methodology is the use of the regularities of filtration and physico-chemical seepage of leaching solutions through the porous medium of the ore stack. Research methods are the following: physical and mathematical methods modeling of heap leaching processes; use of statistical methods to identify patterns of spatial distribution of factors affecting the heap leaching process; use of software products (geoinformation systems) for data visualization.
Key words Key words: heap leaching; ore pile; gold; valuable component; ore; block modeling; model; method; technique; deposit
Article information Myazin V., Goncharov D., Sokolova E. Mathematical modeling of gold heap leaching in an ore stack (at the «Delmachik» deposit) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 10, pp.DOI:10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-10-6-14
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