Goals of the journal
1) to highlight and draw attention to the current problems of technical, geological and mineralogical, geographical, political and economic sciences;
2) to disseminate information about advanced research in these areas;
3) contribute to the development of Russia’s leading positions in the world in the following scientific fields: mineral enrichment, geoecology, geology, political science and economics;
4) create a widely accessible information field for all specialists related to the listed fields of knowledge;
5) To attract promising young specialists to scientific work on projects on the subject of the journal;
6) to acquaint readers with the world’s best practices in the implementation of scientific developments in the above-mentioned fields of knowledge.
Journal tasks
1) provide pages for publishing the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of mineral enrichment, geoecology, geology, political science and economics;
2) to assist young scientists in improving the quality of their publications;
3) to inform specialists and the public about current trends in the field of research of technical, geological and mineralogical, economic and political processes;
4) expand the composition of the editorial board and reviewers with the involvement of well-known Russian and foreign specialists;
5) increase the impact factor of the journal.
Basic principles of editorial policy
1. The policy of the Editorial Board of the scientific and technical journal “Bulletin of the Trans–Baikal State University” (hereinafter – the Journal) is based on modern legal requirements regarding copyright set forth in Russian legislation; ethical principles supported by the editorial board and the editorial board.
2. When forming the editorial policy, the Journal proceeds from the recommendations of international organizations on the ethics of scientific publications. The editorial policy of the Journal is based on the advanced standards of Russian and international scientific periodicals, including the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for the Journal Editor (Code of conduct and best practice guidelines for journal editors) and the Code of Conduct for the journal Publisher (Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers), developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics – Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). When implementing the internal policy, the editorial Board of the Journal is guided by these documents.
3. Articles sent to the editorial office of the Journal should not be published or be under consideration in other publications in the current or similar form. All possible conflicts of interest related to copyright and the publication of the articles in question should be resolved. The authors confirm that their publication does not violate any of the existing copyrights.
4. In articles, verbatim copying of more than 10 percent of another person’s work is unacceptable without specifying his authorship, a link to the source and the use of quotation marks. Incorrect paraphrasing of another author’s text with a change of more than one sentence within one paragraph or section of the text, or the arrangement of sentences in a different order without a corresponding reference to the source, is also not allowed. The editorial board does not allow the use of elements of another author’s work without attribution, for example, a drawing, table or paragraph without an expression of appreciation, a link to the source or the use of quotation marks. Authors must obtain permission from the copyright owner to use elements of his work.
5. If the fragments of the manuscript were previously published, the author(s) must provide a link to this work, as well as indicate what is the essential difference between the new work and the previous one, and identify its relationship with the research results and conclusions presented in the earlier work. The editorial board does not accept for consideration articles whose authors abuse self-citation. The permissible limit is no more than three citations of the author’s own works.
6. The Editorial Board adheres to the standards of academic ethics, protects the reputation of authors and takes all cases of plagiarism seriously. In the event of such situations, a system of procedures is used to respond to possible accusations of plagiarism.
7. The content of the article should correspond to the subject and scientific level of the journal and be of undoubted scientific interest. The title of the article should correspond to its content. The material proposed for publication must be original, not previously published in other printed publications. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the reproduction of names, quotations, formulas. Author’s materials are accepted for publication:
original (practical) articles;
reviews (review articles);
scientific essays.
8. The materials published in the journal reflect the personal point of view of the authors, which may differ from the point of view of the editorial board.
9. The decision on publication or rejection of materials is made by the editorial board, the final decision is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal.
10. The editorial board of the journal is responsible for making a decision on the publication of articles submitted to the editorial board, guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on mass media, other normative acts of the Russian Federation, norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation, as well as based on the results of the evaluation of articles by members of the editorial board who have the closest scientific specialization to the topic of the article, as well as external reviewers who are recognized experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials. The decision to publish is based on the relevance, scientific novelty, reliability and practical significance of the reviewed work.