Makarov Vladimir Nikolaevich


Higher education. Leningrad State University, Faculty of Geology, engineer-geologist-hydrogeologist.

Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, specialty 04.00.13 – geochemical methods for searching for mineral deposits. The topic of the candidate’s thesis is “Hydrogeochemical dispersion halos of gold ore deposits in Eastern Yakutia and their prospecting significance”; Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Crystal Chemistry of Rare Elements – IMGRE, Moscow, 1980.

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, specialty 04.0007 – engineering geology, permafrost and soil science and 04.00.13 – geochemical methods for searching for mineral deposits. The topic of the doctoral dissertation is “Geochemical fields in cryolithozone areas and the search for mineral deposits”; Institute of Permafrost Science SB RAS – IMZ SB RAS, Yakutsk, 1990.

Since 1995, Professor of the Department of Permafrost Science, Geological Exploration Faculty, Yakut State University (since 2011, North-Eastern Federal University).

The main scientific interests are related to the problems of geochemistry in the permafrost zone, hydrogeochemistry, searches for mineral deposits, environmental and geochemical studies in permafrost areas.

From 1959 to 1982 worked on expeditions of the Yakut Territorial Geological Administration (Yakutia) – Central Search and Survey, Thematic. He was engaged in hydrogeological research (exploratory and thematic), geological survey scale 1: 200,000, geochemical prospecting of various scales, thematic work on the development and implementation of methods for geochemical prospecting for mineral deposits in the permafrost zone.

From 1982 to 2015 – Head of the Laboratory of Permafrost Geochemistry, since 2015 – Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Groundwater and Permafrost Geochemistry of the Institute of Permafrost Science SB RAS.