Article name Modern trends and directions of migration development in the eurasian space: political analysis
Authors Peremyshlin S.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 314.74
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-92-102
Article type
Annotation The political aspects of migration in the EAEU member countries are analyzed. The integration processes in the post-Soviet space, the expansion and deepening of mutual cooperation within the framework of the EAEU, require the joint efforts of all member states of integration relations. The author has shown that in modern conditions the problem of regional associations’ competition in global markets puts forward as priority areas the issues of improving the civilized-communication channel of interaction between the EAEU countries and their potential partners. The emerging EAEU common labour market, due to the availability of natural resources and the size of their economies, needs further development of the legal and regulatory framework for regulating labour relations between migrants and the host country, determining current trends in migration management in the context of digitalization and globalization, and analyzing the prospects for deepening integration processes in the Eurasian space. The author provides a political analysis of migration processes in the context of deepening integration trends in the EAEU. The political and economic aspects of labour migration and the single labour market for the EAEU countries are considered. Features of labour migration from Kyrgyzstan to Russia and Kazakhstan, its contribution to the development of deepening relations in the EAEU integration group are noted. Peculiarities of Russia’s implementation of the State program to stimulate the return of compatriots through the prism of integration into the EAEU are examined. The modern challenges facing the EAEU member states, the impact of national migration policies of sending and receiving countries on the construction of a long-term development strategy of the EAEU are disclosed. Potential scenarios for the development of Eurasian integration and methods for solving problems arising on the way of their implementation in modern conditions were considered.
Key words regional integration; political science analysis; EAEU; CIS; migration; remittances; labour migration; single labour market; migration policy; cooperation
Article information Peremyshlin S. Modern trends and directions of migration development in the eurasian space: political analysis // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 92-102. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-6-92-102.
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Full articleModern trends and directions of migration development in the eurasian space: political analysis