Authors Kozlov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 65.011.56
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-6-101-110
Article type scientific
Annotation In modern conditions, the enterprises of even traditional industries and technologies are faced with the need to maintain competitiveness through the use of information technologies not only in the processes of organizing business activities, but also with the need to transform the entire business model. This determines the relevance of the development of an indicator reflecting the readiness of the enterprise for such a transformation. The authors propose the definition of the term “digital potential” and an approach to the quantitative measurement of the digital potential of an industrial enterprise as an integral indicator that allows assessing the resources and capabilities of an enterprise to transform business processes taking into account the impact of business environmental in digitizing the economy. The integral indicator includes two groups of characteristics reflecting the state of the external and internal business environment of the enterprise. The authors attributed the characteristics of the external environment to indicators that reflect the readiness of the industry to form a digital environment, indicators that take into account the willingness of specific key stakeholders of the enterprise to interact, the characteristics of the benevolence of consumers of the enterprise’s products using the interaction options offered by digital technologies. The indicators of the internal environment are proposed to include two groups of characteristics, reflecting, firstly the resources of the enterprise at the moment, secondly, indicators reflecting the future possibilities of the enterprise for introducing digital technologies. All indicators can be quantified from the official statements of the company. The article proposes a formula for determining the integral index of the digital potential as a convolution of particular indicators. The proposed approach allows us to analyze not only the current level of digitalization of business processes in the enterprise, but also the ability to develop a digital potential.
Key words Key words: digital potential; digital economy; industrial enterprise; Industry 4.0; digital transformation; calculation methods; environmental characteristics; indicators of the internal environment
Article information Kozlov A., Teslya A. Digital potential of industrial enterprises: essence, determination and calculation methods // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 6, pp.101-110
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