Article name The study of consumer preferences for regional tourist market
Authors Romanov V.A. ,
Tarkhanova N.P. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.483+338.48
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-7-123-130
Article type scientific
Annotation Consumer preferences of the regional tourist market are studied. It is noted that in conditions of a complicated geopolitical situation, and also with the purpose of increasing the incomes of territories, the subjects of the Federation pay attention to tourism. The tourist market of Chelyabinsk region with its narrow assortment of tours is considered. It is indicated that the expansion of the assortment is hampered by the fact that the proposed ready-made tourist product is poorly oriented to the consumer\'s opinions. To obtain information about the regional market, a marketing study was conducted. As a method of collecting primary information, a questionnaire was used. It is revealed that the majority of respondents prefer rest abroad, and among the leaders of domestic tourism is the Black Sea coast. It is noted that the Ural region, as well as the regions of Siberia and the Far East, have low rates for all types of tourism. It was concluded that there is a need to popularize travel within the region with a focus on certain types of tourism. When formulating a development strategy, special attention should be given to both advertising and information distribution channels, including within the Ural region, to activate intraregional flows
Key words tourism product; marketing; respondent; preferences; assortment; consumer segmentation; regional market; survey; sampling; preferences
Article information Romanov V., Tarkhanova N. The study of consumer preferences for regional tourist market // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 7, pp.
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