Gomboev Bair Oktyabrievich

Professor, Head of the Department of Geography and Geoecology, BSU, bgom@binm.bscnet.ru
Doctor of Geographical Sciences
Scientific interests Territorial organization of environmental management
More than 100 scientific publications have been published, including a monograph, sections in collective monographs, teaching aids, electronic educational materials, etc.
Advanced training Courses for advanced training for the teaching staff of BSU “Modernization of educational programs in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education and the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Professional Education and work in the electronic information and educational environment” from March 21 to April 1, 2016.
Grants 1) 09/15/2012-09/15/2013 BSU Grant: Direction – grants in natural sciences “Scientific and methodological foundations of regional development (using the example of the Baikal region)”
Head: Gomboev B.O.
2) 2013-2014 RGNF – 2013: 02-130 “Formation of demographic and economic potentials in polythenic territories of regional development (using the example of the Republic of Belarus)”
3) 2014-2016 ARCP2014-09 CMY-Gomboev Asia-Pacific Global Change Research Network “Boreal and tropical forests and forest-steppes in East Asia: comparative climate impact research and adaptation”;
4) 2016-2017 RFBR “Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation and development of territorial production and resource structures on the principles of Green Growth.”
Awards – Letter of gratitude from the President of the Republic of Belarus. Date of assignment: October, 2015
Other professional activities
He is fluent in several languages, including English, and has also developed and taught training courses in individual disciplines in the Hekadem system. Gomboev B.O. has repeatedly been the main executor of a number of scientific studies carried out using grant funds, incl. scientific projects carried out jointly with the Institute of Environmental Management of the SB RAS and other scientific institutions of Siberia and the Far East. He repeatedly took direct part in the preparation of international scientific and practical conferences on geography and environmental management, which were held by the Department of Economic and Social Geography. Supervised the preparation of participants in student conferences. Every year he is the supervisor of students’ diploma projects, most of which are defended with “excellent” marks.